Note: Domestic/Export crating must be selected with the items above.
The Mini Testing Husker provides a quick and complete husking of paddy rice in a simple and quiet, single pass operation. The clear panel on the side provides for viewing of the husking action. This allows for adjustment of the fan or feed rate to maximize capacity and maintain complete husking. Paddy is husked into brown rice when it passes through the clearance between two rubber rolls which rotate at different speeds. The husked rice, husks and immature paddy are separated automatically by the fan. The clearance between the two rubber rolls is adjusted by the side mounted adjustment handle. The unit is light weight for easy transportation between sites. A high husking ratio is achieved and maintained due to the large (1 1/2" x 4") rubber rolls used in the husker. Capacity of up to 36-40 kg/ hour (80-88 lbs/hr).
Net. wt. 82 lbs, ship wt crated: 115lbs. Ship Dims. 30"L x 14" W x 30" H.